Determining Your Powerlifting Weight Classes

Weight is one of the most common topics in the sports of Powerlifting. In weight-lifting sports, there is a potential for extreme measures and disordered mentalities, which certainly affect you as an athlete. In this article, we discuss the Determining Your Powerlifting Weight Classes and share our reviews about that.
Many different factors affect body weight. It’s a very complex topic, especially in a competitive setting. With the right tools, information, and guidance by your side, you can navigate this world with success.
The goal of weight classes is not to diet and shrink you to your leanest- or bulk you up to your largest- but to allow you to find your healthiest, happiest, strongest state. Weight classes have nothing to do with aesthetics- it’s just part of the sport.

This article will dive deeper into the reasoning behind weight classes in the first place, when athletes should begin to consider them, and how to find your ideal range.
Powerlifting Weight Classes
While it’s true that this is a performance-based sport, bodyweight still plays a significant factor.

Strength can be both absolute and relative.
Absolute strength is just the weight that an individual lifts. 300 lbs is 300 lbs.
Relative strength takes into account other factors, such as body weight. Mass moves mass. A 99 lb competitor benching 135 is different from a 300 lb competitor pressing the same weight. Bodyweight ratios don’t always perfectly align depending on one’s size, but it is one way to measure strength.
Other tools such as DOTS or WILKS calculators take into account body weight & sex to determine an individual’s strength level.
Qualifying Totals for Nationals are different depending on the weight class.
All of this is to say that it makes the playing field fairer when you’re competing against those relatively the same size as you. A 100-lb lifter wouldn’t stand a chance against a 200-lb lifter, so it wouldn’t be fair to put them against each other or have the same qualifying totals. That’s all it is.
According to rules, weight classes in powerlifting are always the same, regardless of federation. So if you’re competing in the USPA, WRPF, or any other federation, the weight classes below will apply. There are 12 weight classes for men and another 12 for women. Note that each number is the MAXIMUM you can weigh in that class, so for example, 56 and below, 52 and below, etc).
Weight classes for men (International Powerlifting Federation (IPF))
Sub-Junior & Junior only-up to 53.0 kg |
59.0 kg Class up to 59.0 kg |
66.0 kg Class from 59.01 kg up to 66.0 kg |
74.0 kg Class from 66.01 kg up to 74.0 kg |
83.0 kg Class from 74.01 kg up to 83.0 kg |
93.0 kg Class from 83.01 kg up to 93.0 kg |
105.0 kg Class from 93.01 kg up to 105.0 kg |
120.0 kg Class from 105.01 kg up to 120.0 kg |
Weight classes for women (International Powerlifting Federation (IPF))
Sub-Junior & Junior only-up to 43.0 kg |
47.0 kg Class up to 47.0 kg |
52.0 kg Class from 47.01 kg up to 52.0 kg |
57.0 kg Class from 52.01 kg up to 57.0 kg |
63.0 kg Class from 57.01 kg up to 63.0 kg |
69.0 kg Class from 63.01 kg up to 69.0 kg |
76.0 kg Class from 69.01 kg up to 76.0 kg |
84.0 kg Class from 76.01 kg up to 84.0 kg |
84.0+ kg Class from 84.01 kg up to unlimited |
source: IPF Technical Rules Book
The IPF is the oldest federation, but there are a few others worth mentioning, with their own weight classes.
UPA (United Powerlifting Association) Weight Classes
52.0kg Class up to 52.0kg | 44.0kg Class up to 44.0kg |
56.0kg Class from 52.01 to 56.0kg | 48.0kg Class from 44.01 to 48.0kg |
60.0kg Class from 56.01 to 60.0kg | 52.0kg Class from 48.01 to 52.0kg |
67.5kg Class from 60.01 to 67.5kg | 56.0kg Class from 52.01 to 56.0kg |
75.0kg Class from 67.01 to 75.0kg | 60.0kg Class from 56.01 to 60.0kg |
82.5kg Class from 75.01 to 82.5kg | 67.5kg Class from 60.01 to 67.5kg |
90.0kg Class from 82.51 to 90.0kg | 75.0kg Class from 67.51 to 75.0kg |
100.0kg Class from 90.01 to 100.0kg | 82.5kg Class from 75.01 to 82.5kg |
110.0kg Class from 100.01 to 110.0kg | 90.0kg Class from 82.51 to 90.0kg |
125.0kg Class from 110.01 to 125.0kg | 90.0+kg Class from 90.01 to unlimited |
140.0kg Class from 125.01 to 140.0kg | |
140.0+kg Class from 140.01 to unlimited |
Source: Official UPA Rulebook
World RAW Powerlifting Federation (WRPF)
52.0 kg Class up to 52.0 kg | 44.0 kg Class up to 44.0 kg |
56.0 kg Class from 52.01 to 56.0 kg | 48.0 kg Class from 44.01 to 48.0 kg |
60.0 kg Class from 56.01 to 60.0 kg | 52.0 kg Class from 48.01 to 52.0 kg |
67.5 kg Class from 60.01 to 67.5 kg | 56.0kg Class from 52.01 to 56.0 kg |
75.0 kg Class from 67.51 to 75.0 kg | 60.0 kg Class from 56.01 to 60.0 kg |
82.5 kg Class from 75.01 to 82.5 kg | 67.5 kg Class from 60.01 to 67.5 kg |
90.0 kg Class from 82.51 to 90.0 kg | 75.0 kg Class from 67.51 to 75.0kg |
100.0 kg Class from 90.01 to 100.0 kg | 82.5 kg Class from 75.01 to 82.5 kg |
110.0 kg Class from 100.01 to 110.0 kg | 90.0 kg Class from 82.51 to 90.0 kg |
125.0 kg Class from 110.01 to 125.0 kg | 100.0 kg Class from 90.01 to 100.0 kg |
140.0 kg Class from 125.01 to 140.0 kg | 110.0 kg Class from 100.01 to 110.0 kg |
140.0 kg + Class from 140.01 to unlimited | 125.0 kg Class from 110.01 to 125.0 kg |
140.0 kg Class from 125.01 to 140.0 kg | |
140.0 kg + Class from 140.01 to unlimited |
Source: WRPF AMERICAS Technical rulebook
100% Raw Powerlifting Federation
MEN (kg/pound) | WOMEN (kg/pound) |
48/105.8 | 44/97.0 |
52/114.6 | 48/105.8 |
56/123.4 | 52/114.6 |
60/132.2 | 56/123.4 |
67.5/148.8 | 60/132.2 |
75/165.3 | 67.5/148.8 |
82.5/181.8 | 75/165.3 |
90/198.4 | 82.5/181.8 |
100/220.4 | 90/198.4 |
110/242.5 | 90+/198.5+ |
125/275.5 | |
140/308.6 | |
140+/SHW |
Why do we need weight classes?
Weight classes are needed to improve the performance for weight lifting,
there are a few tried-and-true methods to improving your performance:
- you can improve your technique method.
- you can improve your neural efficiency in the proper pattern.
- you can increase your muscle strength and muscle.
The last one is the most efficient one. It can increase your body’s leverage and mechanical advantage, hence improving your performance.
2. Why Should You Worry About IT?
A common mistake made by many new Powerlifters is concerning themselves with specific weight classes too early on. When you’re just getting started in the sport, cutting weight and manipulating the scale is the least of your worries. Instead, your goal during this time is to develop technical proficiency, barbell confidence, build strength and muscle mass, prioritize healthy nutrition, gain experience, and have fun. Let everything fall into place from there.

Unless you’re setting National records for your first meet or are maybe 1 lb within a class, you probably shouldn’t cut for it.
You’re a complete baby to the sport! Your body is still adjusting & you don’t know how you’ll react to everything: it’s an experimental phase.
Your first six months- a year are the crucial periods of growth. Extreme dieting or overfeeding can hinder that. Focus on good habits rather than trying to direct everything toward a weight class, and it will stabilize. You’ll find your happy medium.
If you’re already pursuing nutrition goals for other reasons when you start Powerlifting- that’s one thing. The main takeaway is don’t get neurotic about weight classes when you’re a newbie.
However, at some point, it is something worth considering. Once you get higher up, have some platform experience, are stronger & have gained some data, you might go down that road. At that level, you are both competitive and experienced enough for your weight class to have an impact.
- You are potentially qualifying for Nationals/Worlds, or want to,
- You could break state/National/International records in your desired class,
- Your new weight class would be a realistic goal for you to attain,
- You feel okay mentally/physically with manipulating your weight,
- You have been on the platform and want to be more competitive, take the next level as an athlete,
Contrary to diet culture & even some co-opted powerlifting spaces, Smaller/Leaner/Less isn’t better, especially not in the sport of Powerlifting.

Weight classes are not about being skinny: another way to diet and starve yourself. That is not what this sport is about- and if you pursue it that way, you’ll never reap the full benefits of it or feel fulfillment.
On the flip side, “GFH” (get fuckin’ huge) was a very popular term in mainstream Powerlifting during its origin. This sentiment is also unhelpful for most people – as nutrition quality matters, too, and some may feel better at a lower body weight.
What it’s REALLY about is finding the class that is:
- Sustainable,
- Healthy,
- Competitive & strong
For you.
That often doesn’t fall into extremes and may not be where you “think” your weight should be.
Your body has a set-point weight that it naturally likes to stay at – when your habits are all in a row, and you overall feel good, a weight you can maintain with ease, and your ideal weight class is probably pretty close to your set point.
While you may be more “competitive” at a lower body weight, and it may lead to a higher DOTS score, if it causes health complications and is unsustainable for you, it’s probably not your best bet. Powerlifting is a marathon, not a sprint, and gradually building strength more sustainably will lead to greater gains down the road.
While this is completely individualized, some signs that your weight class is the right one for you are:
-You’re consistently seeing strength progress over time (weeks, months, years) and feel you have potential and can continue to grow in your class.
-Your sleep, recovery, energy levels, digestion, hormone levels, etc. are all stable.
-While it may take some sacrifice, getting to your desired weight class doesn’t require extreme measures (except, maybe, a water cut) (example: in a meet prep, maybe you have to limit alcohol/eating out/etc., or on the flip side, maybe you have to force-feed sometimes, but it’s manageable & nothing is too crazy.)
-Mentally, you feel comfortable in your body & your relationship with food
-During your off-season, you’re able to be more flexible & aren’t far too stressed about your weight.
If you check off all of these boxes, congrats! This weight is likely a good spot for you to be. It’s all about finding that balance- which requires trial & error and guidance from your coach.
Maybe your current weight class isn’t the one you should stay at.

Once you’ve gained some experience in the sport, moving up or down a weight class may be a path to consider. Remember, weight classes aren’t stagnant. This is your strength journey, and you can change things at any time.
- You aren’t as competitive as you could be and have more potential in another weight class.
- Your strength progress has stagnated- you aren’t eating enough and need to build muscle mass.
- You want to lose body fat and lean out while maintaining strength.
- Your current weight class is unsustainable, causing you to go to extreme measures.
Whatever that reason- choose the road that makes sense for you. Talk to a coach or friend about your situation, consider it, and make the decision that will allow you to be your best in the long run.
After all, isn’t that what this sport is all about?
Being your strongest, best possible self?
While these decisions are difficult; and many of us can get tied to the number on the scale, especially when it’s a habit- it can be the best choice you make in your career. Speaking from experience, being married to an arbitrary weight class doesn’t serve you. It can hold you back & keep you stuck in the same cycles and plateaus, spinning your wheels. You’re not meant to stay the same forever- as athletes, we need to be able to adapt and flow with circumstances along the way. So if the best decision is to cut or bulk, do it for yourself, create a plan, and play the long game. And if that choice turns out differently than you thought? You can always change things again.
The only way to know your ideal weight class is to test it out. Bodies are all different, and all of us respond in our unique ways. While you may create a goal number in your brain, you might end up in another spot. The goal is not to yo-yo every meet, trying something new all of the time, but throughout the years of your career, you can experiment with yourself a little bit to see what works best. What provides success for you in the beginning likely won’t be the same years later.

Know that going forward, and make decisions based on what’s currently working & will benefit you for time to come. Everything is just data- you’re simply learning and growing- and that will always lead to growth.
Weight classes. A very prevalent yet mistaken topic in Powerlifting. In society, weight is already a stigmatized conversation, and diet culture can easily co-opt the strength space, too. At its core, weight classes are simply a way to make things fairer, and your goal is to find your sweet spot, not fit into an arbitrary box. As a beginner, don’t concern yourself too much with the numbers, but as you gain experience, you may want to experiment further. You have to trial and error it to find your strongest, healthiest, and most competitive state- which is the goal. This sport isn’t about the number on the scale, it’s about the number on the bar. Focus on that first and foremost.